Nazma Akhter
Najma Akhther, M.A., M.S.S., is an assistant professor of Journalism and Media Studies. Currently, Najma is on study leave to pursue her doctoral degree in Communication at Wayne State University, USA. She conducts research at the intersection of health risk and crisis communication with a focus on mental health and message effects. Her research examines how at-risk populations utilize new media to cope with crisis-induced stressors. She also studies media messages involving health risks, crisis communication, and at-risk populations. She utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods, including surveys, experiments, content analysis, interviews, focus groups, and textual analysis.
- Ph.D. in Communication, Expected Graduation 2025, Wayne State University
- Bridge Graduate Certificate in Public Health Practices, Expected Graduation 2021 (Fall), Wayne State University
- M.A., Communication Studies, 2021, Wayne State University (WSU)
Thesis: Information-Seeking and Information-Sharing About Mental Health on Social Media: Role of Depression and Anxiety Ratings, Perceived Health-related Social Media Peer Support, and Perceived Health Benefits of Social Media
- M.S.S, Mass Communication and Journalism, 2015, University of Dhaka (DU)
Thesis: Corporate Relevance in News Coverage of Bangladeshi Newspapers: A Study on Four Mainstream National Dailies Monograph: Photo Sharing Mania of Bangladeshi Facebook Prosumers: A Quantitative and Psychological Evaluation
- B.S.S., Mass Communication and Journalism, 2014, University of Dhaka (DU)
Faculty Position
- Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. October 14, 2020-Present.
- Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. August 2017-October 13, 2020.
- Lecturer, Department of Communication and Media Studies, University of Development Alternative, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jun 2017-August 2017.
Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant
- Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), Department. of Communication, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. August 2020-present.
- Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), Department of Communication, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. January 2020-August 2020. Research Project: Smart Management of Microplastic Pollution and Detroit Water Stories.
- Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), Department of Communication, Wayne State University. August 2019 –December 2019. Research Project: The Impact of Online Technologies on Interpersonal Communication and Perceptions.
- Graduate Assistant (GA), College of Liberal Arts & Communication, Arkansas State University. August 2018 –May 2019.
- Akhther, N., Tetteh, D. (2021). Global Mediatized Death and Emotion: Parasocial grieving—Mourning #stephenhawking on Twitter. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying. https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228211014775
- Metzger-Riftkin, J., Albrehi, F., Akhther, N., Harb, F., Steiner, L., Eckert, S. (2020). Academic sexual misconduct on U.S. campuses – Arising questions and concerns about the practice of mandatory reporting. Media Report to Women, 48 (3).
- Chowdhury, S. A., & Akhther, N. (2018). Photo sharing tendency of Bangladeshi Facebook prosumers. Social Science Review, 35 (1), 119-133.
- Roy, S. S., & Akhther, N. (2018). Struggle of community newspapers of Bangladesh for freedom: Historical perspective. Social Science Review (Bengali Version), 12(12), 1-18.
- Chowdhury, S. S., & Akhther, N. (2017). Gender framing on Bangladeshi mass media advertisement: A quantitative and qualitative study. Social Science Review (Bengali Version),11(11), 33-48.
- Chowdhury, S. A., & Akhther, N. (2017). Corporate culture in journalism: Bangladesh perspective. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 4(1), 1-10.
- Shaonti, H., & Akhther, N. (2016). The role of corporate culture in business journalism: Bangladesh perspective. Social Science Review (Bengali Version), 10 (10), 50-68.
- Akhther, N., Sopory, P. (2021, May). Information-Seeking and Information-Sharing About Mental Health on Social Media: Role of Depression and Anxiety Ratings, Perceived Health-related Social Media Peer Support, and Perceived Health Benefits of Social Media. Presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, Colorado, USA (virtual conference).
- Akhther, N. (2021, March). Promoting mental health resilience in higher education: US Black colleges and universities response to student’s mental health during COVID-19. Presented at the 11th International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference. University of Central Florida, Florida, USA (virtual conference).
- Brim, L., Akhther, N., Mitra, R., Zhang, Y., Belosku, M., Miller, C., Kashian, D.,Weyhrauch, J., Sexton, K. (2021, May). Why Should We Care about Microplastics?”: How Local Communities Understand Emerging Environmental Health Risks. Presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, Colorado, USA (virtual conference).
- Mitra, R., Akhther, N., Brim, L., Zhang, Y., Belosku, M., Miller, C., Kashian, D.,Weyhrauch, J., Sexton, K. (2021, May). Designing Protective Actions from Emerging Environmental Pollutants like Microplastics. Presented at the 52nd Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Detroit, Michigan. USA (virtual conference).
- Eckert, S., Metzger-Riftkin, J., Albrehi, F., Akhther, N., Aniapam, Z., Steiner, L. (2021, August). #MeToo academia: Media coverage of academic sexual misconduct at U.S. universities. Accepted for 104th Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (virtual conference).
- Akhther, N. (2021, November). Peer-to-Peer Support for Mental Health: Perceived Benefits of Information-Seeking and Information-Sharing About Depression and Anxiety on Social Media. Accepted for the 107th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA).
- Albrehi, F., Metzger-Riftkin, J., Akhther, N., Aniapam, Z. (2021, November). Sexual Misconduct in Academia: What Happens When Faculty Target Graduate Students?.Accepted for the107th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA).
- Mitra, R., Akhther, N., Mudiyanselage, S., &Nyawaga, C. (2021, November). Community-Centered Meanings of Water Insecurity due to the Mass Shutoffs in Detroit. Accepted for the 107th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA).
- Islam, K., Ali, M., &Akhther, N. (2021, November) Social mediated crisis communication: Information-seeking during boil water advisories in Texas winter storm 2021. Accepted for the 107th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA).
- Akhther, N., Tetteh, D. (2020, November). Global Mediatized Death and Emotion:Parasocial grieving—Mourning #stephenhawking on Twitter. Presented at the 106th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
- Akhther, N., & Islam, K. (2020, March). Vaping outbreak coverage of college newspapers: A content analysis of the extended parallel process model. Presented at the 10th Annual International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference (ICRC), University of Central Florida, Florida, USA.
- Akhther, N. (2020, February). Social media intervention for raising Youth mental health awareness: A critical review.Presented at the1st Annual Diversity Conference on Voice, Identity, and inclusion, Wayne State University, Michigan, USA.
- Mitra, R., Donnellan, K., Mesmer, K. R., Gant, J., Aniss, M. A., Akhther, N., Glitsos, S., Mudiyanselage, S., & Nyawaga, C. (2020, November). Deputized scholarship: Grassroots-centered research and advocacy in the Detroit water stories project.Panel presented at the 106th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
- Akhther, N., & Islam, K. (2019, April).Ethnic cleansing: A comparative analysis of media framing on Rohingya crisis. Presented at the 61st Annual Conference of Western Social Science Association, San Diego, California, USA.
- Akhther, N. (2019, April). Mediated versus face-to-face social interaction: Impacts of social media on college students’ real-world relations. Presented at the 61st Annual Conference of Western Social Science Association, San Diego, California, USA.
- Akhther, N. (2019, April). Virtual stranger loss, parasocial grieving and mediatized emotion: Celebrity mourning process on social media. Presented at the 9th Create @ State 2019 Symposium, Arkansas State University, Arkansas, USA.Tetteh, D., &Akhther, N. (2019, November). Openness and avoidance in ovarian cancer communication: An uncertainty management perspective. Presented at the 105th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA), Baltimore, USA.
- Islam, K., &Akhther, N. (2019, August). Political power and news discourse: A framing analysis on news coverage of Bangladesh general election 2018.Presented at the 102nd Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Toronto, Canada.
- Akhther, N. (2017, May). Internet meme as a form of cultural discourse: A rhetorical analysis on Facebook. Presented at the conference of Visual South Asia: Anthropological exploration of media and culture, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Akhther, N. (2016, November). Photo sharing tendency of Bangladeshi Facebook prosumers. Presented at the First National Conference on Mass Communication & Journalism, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Professor Sitara Parvin Award (2015), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Recruitment, Retention and Completion Scholarships (2019-2020). Wayne State University (WSU). USA.
- Social Science Scholarship (2014), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Australian Merit Scholarship (2013-2014), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Sanjieeb Chowdhury Memorial Scholarship (2012), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Chittagong District Scholarship (2009), Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Media Fellowship for Developing Female Journalists (2014-2015), News Network, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- MA Thesis Research Grant, Department of Communication, Wayne State University. Grant: $500
- MA Thesis Research Grant, Graduate School, Wayne State University, Grant: $500
- NCA Student Caucus Travel Grant, National Communication Association (NCA)
- Graduate Student Travel Award, Graduate School, Wayne State University
- Graduate Student Travel Award, Graduate School, Arkansas State University
- Graduate Student Travel Award, Graduate Council, Arkansas State University
- JMS 501: Communication Theories
- JMS 409: Global Media System
- JMS 304: Media Laws and Ethics
- JMS 207: Social Process and Institutions
- COM1010: Oral Communication
- CMS103: Introduction to Communication and Culture
- CMS111: Advanced Communication and Culture
- CMS 209: Introduction to Film Production
- Student member, International Communication Association (ICA)
- Student member, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
- Student member, National Communication Association (NCA)
- Student member, Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society (NCA)