REVIEW The Painful Visibility of The Invisible War
Dilshad Marium
The Invisible War (2012)
Genre: Documentary Film
Director: Kirby Dick
Screenwriter: Kirby Dick
Cinematography: Thaddeus Wadleigh and Kirsten Johnson
Music: Gary Calamar and Dondi Bastone
Runtime : 97 minutes
Being a girl in any society is tough, in one way or another. Last year Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg’s (2013) book Lean In took the internet by storm where she says that girls rarely make a big decision about career anticipating work/family conflict long before they are even in the process of having a family. The
arguments of both Sandberg and her critics are worth considering but how do you think girls feel when they lean in to give their best into a career which was previously considered a male zone and within a year or two find themselves forced out with nothing but long term physical and mental disorder while the people responsible for these conditions go unpunished?
Review, Invisible War
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# Dilshad Marium is doing Masters in Literatures in English and Cultural Studies in the Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Email: